A Guide to Successfully Applying for the YALI RLC West Africa Emerging Leaders Program – Sunday Akinrelere (YALI RLC West Africa, Accra Alumnus)


The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) is a renowned program launched by the United States government to invest in the next generation of African leaders. The YALI RLC West Africa Emerging Leaders Program, which spans across nine West African countries, is a highly competitive and merit-based program that attracts thousands of applications. In this blog post, I will share my personal experience of applying for the program five times before finally being accepted into cohort 40. By following these helpful tips, you can increase your chances of gaining entrance into this prestigious program. One of the key factors that contributed to my success was my unwavering resilience and persistence that met with God’s favour. Despite facing rejection in my previous applications, I refused to give up. Each setback served as a learning opportunity and motivated me to improve my application further.

To better support applicants on their application journey, I have created this article to address frequently asked questions that I often receive from individuals interested in the program.

Tips for a successful application:

1. Take the time to thoroughly explore the YALI RLC website to gain a clear understanding of the program’s objectives and the desired qualities in candidates.

2. Once the application period opens, it is advisable to sign up immediately and initiate your application process. By starting early, you can avoid last-minute rushes and have ample time to craft a compelling application.

3. YALI provides three distinct tracks: Business and Entrepreneurship, Civic Leadership, and Public Policy and Management. Before making your choice, ensure you have a solid understanding of these tracks and identify the one that aligns with your interests and skills. Your application should reflect your chosen track.

4. When shooting your shot, pay close attention to the details by reading the instructions repeatedly if necessary.

5. When submitting your application, it is crucial to be as honest as possible. Avoid lying or exaggerating as there will be a background check to verify all the information you provide.

6. Although certain questions may be optional, it is encouraged to provide responses if you have an answer.

7. When writing your name, follow this format: first name (given name), middle name (if applicable), and last name (surname).

Answering Essay Questions

In addition to the previously mentioned tips, answering essay questions is crucial in various applications, such as the YALI RLC Emerging Leaders Program. These questions serve as an opportunity to effectively present yourself and capture the attention of the application reviewer. While it is important to adhere to the specified word limit, it is equally important not to underestimate your accomplishments. So, remember to confidently showcase your strengths and achievements in these essay responses.

Leadership Profile

Q: Tell us about yourself (Describe an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself as a young leader.)

Tips: Begin by providing a concise overview of your educational background, emphasizing your relevant skills and work or volunteering experiences. This will set the stage for the accomplishment you’re about to describe. Then, provide context by explaining the situation or project you were involved in, and the leadership role you played. How did you contribute to the success of the project, event or initiative? You may not necessarily be the coordinator of a team, but your contributions, no matter how small, is a measure of leadership. It could be your active participation in discussions where you shared ideas, and took on additional responsibilities willingly. It could also be the support you offered using your skills.

Q: Motivation (Please share a business, community, or public sector initiative that you are currently, personally carrying out. Describe in detail, a specific non-financial challenge confronting your initiative, and what you hope to learn from the program in order to address it.)

Tips: In this section, try to establish a connection between your educational background, current endeavors (what you’re currently doing), and the reasons behind them. Additionally, outline the initiative or project you’re currently involved in, the problem it aims to solve, and the challenges you’re encountering during its execution. Please note that the challenges mentioned will not be financial in nature, but rather related to other aspects. Finally, express your expectations from the YALI program and how you believe it can assist you in overcoming the challenges you’re facing.

Q: List the top three (3) skills, knowledge, and/or attitudinal changes you want to gain from this program.

Tips: This section does not require a story. Present the top three leadership skills you want to acquire by the end of the program, with numbering or bullet points, ensuring that the skills are related to leadership. Examples include emotional intelligence, cross-cultural competency, effective communication, strategic thinking, etc.

Administrative Skills Essay

Q: Provide An Example That Will Support the Choices Selected under Administrative Skills

Tips: Only one example is required; you don’t have to be more Catholic than the Pope. Pick one that resonates with you more and craft a story around it from your personal experience to show your administrative skills. This could be a personal story that showcases your emotional intelligence, ability to work with a team, attention to detail, meeting deadlines, managing colleagues or fellow humans, and organizational skills.

Interpersonal Skills Essay

Q: Provide An Example That Will Support the Choices Selected under Interpersonal Skills.

Tips: This question aims to assess your interpersonal skills and your ability to handle different behaviors from others. Apply the same principle used in the previous Administrative Skills section to answer this question. The multiple-choice questions in this section can be quite tricky. Make sure to carefully read between the lines before selecting your answer. However, Question 5 (Which of the following items do you strongly agree with?) allows you to choose more than one option.


As you submit your application, I’d like to remind you to consider the God factor (Smiles). It’s not to be taken lightly, as acknowledging the role of a supernatural power can hold great significance in all our endeavors.

Wishing you the best of luck!